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Well I never! (** warning - sweary post**)

Well I fucking never!!!!!!!! Talk about bad to fucking worse!!! 57 days after the first case of recorded Covid-19 in the UK we as a country are locked down........... It's almost beyond comprehension isn't it!!?? 

Myself in particular things went slightly from bad to worse with a return to hospital 3 days after being discharged, only this time my Asthma was really in overdrive and the big guns were wheeled out, i,e: Strong drips and other shag me dead strong medication 🙈 

Another 7 days confined to the brilliant respiratory ward again, I was allowed home, you could tell things were ramping up at the hospital and there was an awful sense of waiting for the worst to happen, so I wanted to be home and if the end of the world was coming I wanted it to be at home with my love. 

Of course it doesn't seem like the world is ending but some people have definitely lost their marbles by the way they're behaving! Fucking idiots is one of the milder ones I've yelled at the TV this week! Stay home you morons!!!!!

Little dog walkers 
My world did come to a bit of an abrupt halt with a text from Covid 19 HQ saying I was particularly vulnerable and had to stay home for 12 weeks, followed almost immediately that day by a phone call from my GP ensuring I absolutely understood what I have to do and that the only way I can stay safe and perhaps not evoke an early grave is to stay in my house or garden. Not a step further!! My words not hers bless her, but I got the gist pretty quickly! Husband also has been advised to stay home with me, as a further safe guard to MY health. Because of the vile life saving meds still in my system and a slightly fragile brain at the moment I veer between wild optimism and an urge to run (😂😂😂 ha run!!!) away. I know I've only got to stay put, I know I've not been enlisted into WW3, but shit a brick it ain't easy! 

Social media has proved a blessing and a curse, but on the whole I've stepped away from some bits and found some great mates on Twitter. 

Our little community has been amazing, a team of dog walkers for my 2 oikes, shopping being delivered by local business's, cakes being dropped off in the greenhouse and cards and messages of love. 

I want to say chins up gang, we'll probably have a few more pounds on at the end of this, straggly hair and eyebrows Shrek would be proud of - but as long as we're all alive at the end of it - that's all that matters. 

Big cheers and claps and hugs of love to all our wonderful medics everywhere - THANK YOU!!!!!

Liz xxxx 


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